Aircraft Test Equipment
We provide aircraft manufacturers, owners and operators with specialized products for maintaining, repairing and troubleshooting aircraft and spacecraft systems. Since 1998, IAE has been an approved supplier to major aircraft manufacturers, airlines, and maintenance facilities engineering and manufacturing test and breakout boxes that are marketed worldwide.

- Flap Actuator Force Measuring Tool
- Universal Breakout Box and Harness
- Environmental Control System
- Cabin Pressurization Test Box
- Flap Control Test Box
- Generator Control Breakout Box
- Bus Power Control Breakout Box
- Anti-Skid Test and Breakout Box
- Thrust Reverser Test Box
- Flap Resolver Test Box
- Nose Wheel Steering Breakout Box
- Micro ADC Breakout Box
- Fuel QTY Probe Test Box
- Landing Gear Dump Valve test Box
- Ground Spoiler Test Box
- Fuel Boost Pump Control Test Box
- Aircraft Power On Breakout Box
- Aux Hydraulic Pump Test Box
- G-Meter test Box
- Flap Asymmetry Test Box
- Load Shed Test Box